Chair: Blake Martin
Staff: Katelyn Todesco
Council: Environmental Stewardship
The committee's mission is to coordinate with NEWWA committees and outside organizations to promote partnerships to balance the interests of water suppliers with others in the realms of water resources management. The committee will provide technical guidance on water resource issues and promote the role of water suppliers through education, outreach, and the development of position papers.
Water Resources Committee activities include:
- Develop and orchrestrate the yearly Water Resources Symposiumin concert with the Groundwater, Conservation and Sustainability Commitees. - Review the NEWWA Policy on Recreational Use of Water Supply Reservoirs.
Committee members can click here to access the Private Water Resources Committee page.
New England Water Works Association - 125 Hopping Brook Road - Holliston, MA 01746 - PH: (508) 893-7979 - FAX: (508) 893-9898