Chair: Matthew Mostoller
Staff: Mary Quigley
Council: Environmental Stewardship
The committee's mission is to study and make recommendations for developing and implementing water conservation management programs within the context that water conservation is not a substitute for proper water management. To utilize technology transfer systems, seminars, presentations, and to prepare reports for management.
Conservation Committee activities include:
Coordinating Water Resources & Sustainability Symposium in conjunction with the Groundwater, Sustainability, and Water Resources Committees
Supporting conservation related initiatives in New England that have an impact on water system managers and users
Review and update conservation related best management practices, white papers, and other documents
Committee members can click here to access the Private Conversation Committee page.
New England Water Works Association - 125 Hopping Brook Road - Holliston, MA 01746 - PH: (508) 893-7979 - FAX: (508) 893-9898